When is DIY a DI-Don’t?
Being handy around the house is an essential skill for any modern homeowner. Not having to rely on paying a professional to carry out building or repair work won’t just help to save you money, it’s also a great way to ensure that your home remains in good health all year long. But despite all your good intentions, sometimes it’s important to remember that DIY professionals are professionals for a reason. There are some DIY jobs that should only be carried out by people who’ve undergone training, for both your safety and that of your property!
DO: Simple Repairs
You should never find yourself needing to pay to have someone carry out minor repairs in your home. These sorts of problems are the ones which are easily fixable, and learning how to do so takes very little time.
Simple repairs can include anything from grouting your bathtub to filling small holes in an interior wall or even giving your windowsills a lick of paint. These kinds of jobs can even be fun, so roll up your sleeves and get stuck in!
DON’T: Electrical Repairs
Many electrical faults can seem like small things to fix, but if you have no experience of doing so then please don’t attempt to carry out your own electrical work. These kinds of jobs can be very dangerous and, in these cases, calling an electrician is a sensible way to ensure that the work gets done safely, and to a high standard.
DO: Get to Grips with Power Tools
Power tools can make DIY work so much easier, so learning how to use them can be extremely beneficial. But unless you take care when using power tools you could wind up either getting hurt or doing damage to your property, so an important part of learning how to use them is learning how to do so safely. Some power tools, such as Ridgeons’ popular range of mitre saws, require more training than others, however the majority of small tools can be used by any homeowner.
DON’T: Dig too Deep
Superficial repairs and improvements can be carried out by anyone, but if your property has developed faults in its foundation or supporting walls, it’s a good idea to leave these repairs up to the professionals. Anything which might compromise the integrity of the structure of the building will need to be properly assessed before work can be carried out, so don’t ever attempt these kinds of repairs without proper instruction and supervision.
DO: Get Involved
Even if you do have to call in a professional, there’s no reason why you can’t learn from them and improve your own skills at the same time. So the next time you have a handyman round, put the kettle on and ask for some tips!
In association with Ridgeons
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