4 Tips to Help You Deepen Your Faith in 2022
Taking care of your spiritual health is just as important as your physical and mental health. Praying and building a relationship with God matters just as much to your overall life and happiness as going for that run or eating your fruits and vegetables. However, since God isn’t a tangible aspect of health, some of us may tend to neglect it.
Building a relationship with God and deepening your faith is the foundation of feeling put-together, stress-free and in charge of your own life. If you want to get closer to God, here are some tips to get you started.
Surround Yourself With Him
Removing yourself from spiritual and religious contexts is in no way going to benefit your faith or your journey with Christ. It’s important to incorporate God into your daily life in whichever ways make sense to you. For some, this might mean finding like-minded friends, or something tangible like a tattoo of a verse that means a lot to you.
If you think you’d benefit from a visual reminder, you could place Jesus images or quotes of Scripture in your home where you know you’ll see them often, or even as the background of your smartphone – since you know you’ll look at this each day.
Seek Knowledge
The more you learn about God and His character, the more you will burn to get closer to Him and experience His love. You can learn more about Him simply by reading the Bible each day, however, some might want to take it a step further.
You could listen to Christian podcasts on your commute to work, or find a book to read before you pray each evening. You might want to join a Bible study group, or do Bible study on your own – there are plenty of websites, apps and books to help you through this.
Create a Prayer Routine
Praying constantly is the closest way to get to know God and deepen your faith in Him. A strong relationship is the crux of your ties to Him and His Kingdom, so if you aren’t praying regularly, a routine might help you.
For some, a morning prayer routine will be a good start to the day, but if your mornings are packed and rushed, don’t worry. A prayer routine before bed is incredibly healing for the soul after a long day.
Figure Out What Works For You
Finally, remember that religion and faith are deeply personal things. Nobody’s relationship with God is the same, and none is perfect either. This means it’s perfectly okay to try different things and see what works for you. Bible study might overwhelm you or you may not connect well with the Church group in your area – and that’s okay. Keep trying until you find what works for you and Him.
And if you don’t necessarily believe in God, but you still want to take care of your spiritual health, seek out alternative spiritual practices that make you feel aligned with your inner self and your values.
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