Questions to ask your pharmacist if your child has a health problem

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It can be a very scary time for any parent when they realise that their child actually has a health problem. Even if it’s something small, your head is probably going to be full of questions that you will want to have answered by a doctor or pharmacist from the moment you get an appointment. However, it’s important that you don’t let your panic overtake you. Instead, consider the most important questions that need to be asked and make sure your doctor provides the answers to help you keep calm. Here are the top questions that you should be asking if your child is suffering from a health problem.

  1. Can you give me more information about the condition? 

Whilst you can Google your child’s problem online, i.e. through the NHS website, your best source of information is actually going to be through your pharmacist. After all, there could be a lot of variations of the problem online. Your pharmacist is going to know the specifics that will affect your child. So, make sure to ask for information booklets and what could possibly make the condition worse. You are going to be the barrier between your child and any problematic symptoms. So, it is vitally important that you know what big and small problems you should keep an eye out for.

  • Could my child have an allergic reaction to medication? 

Your pharmacist has been trained to know what sort of ingredients go into your medication. If you already know of a potential ingredient that could give them a severe reaction then it’s important that you mention it. However, if you feel nervous about trying out new medications then you should also ask how likely it is for your child to experience a potential side effect.

  • How often do I renew my child’s prescription? 

Not only should you ask about how often your child should take your medication, but you should question your pharmacist about how often you should actually renew it. It can take a long time to get an appoint to renew your child’s medication, so you may want to consider whether there are monthly options, or if you could use an online service, such as Online Pharmaceutical Services by Lawsat Pharm. Try to keep flexible with your options to make sure that you always have a good supply of medication available for your child.

  • How should I administer the medication?

Sometimes medication can be something as simple as a pill. However, if the condition is more severe then it may need to involve you using injections, creams or drops. Make sure you ask the pharmacist precisely how to use them to get the best result.

  • What should I do if the medication does not work? 

It’s important to know where you should go if your child’s medication either does not work or causes a reaction. In most cases it may just involve you returning to your pharmacist or GP. However, if you think that your child is having a bad reaction to your medication, take them to hospital or phone the emergency services. 

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