Beautiful brushes from HD Brows

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A new contender has thrown their hat into the ring in the brushes field.  Ok so we have makeup giant MAC, makeup artists Samantha Chapman/Rae Morris and brush specialists Sigma and Crown who all make excellent brushes at all different price p0ints and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

HD Brows can deliver epic eyebrows either through their salon 7 step treatment to groom and retrain your brows or the at home brow pimping kit. But brushes?


Many of us are aware that it’s not so much the product that makes the face, it’s the quality of the tools.  If you don’t know that – you should 😉  Invest in amazing tools before spending £30 on an eyeshadow and you can get away with spending a tenner!

So onto the HD Brows brushes then.  How do they look and compare to some of their competitors?  I’ve tried to pick similar brushes that can be used for similar jobs but I don’t have exact dupes.

The brushes I was sent for review were; Contour, Concealer and Eye Smudger.  They are all, in fact, excellent.  Lovely quality handles, super soft hair and built/designed for the job in hand.  They are also quite a bit cheaper than MAC, a contour brush there is £27 vs the HDBrows £14.95 but about the same as Real Techniques.  I would say other than a few very specific for the job MAC brushes that these HDBrows brushes are excellent value, great for the job and just as good as MAC!  You can purchase them from the following website.

The Contour Brush

HDBrows and Real Techniques

HDBrows and Real Techniques

HDBrows Contour Brush

HDBrows Contour Brush

Contouring is big business now, entire palettes are being devoted to achieving a contoured cheek or sculpted nose.  The brush is similar to MAC 109 and photographed here next to Real Techniques Foundation brush as they are (I think) suitable for the same job of contouring but I feel the HDBrows is better for contouring with powder and the RT better for cream/pigment contouring.

The Concealer Brush

HDBrows Concealer Brush

HD Brows Concealer
Real Techniques
Eco Tools

Similar to MAC 195 but more rounded at the end.  Super soft and silky so is nice to use in the delicate eye area.  I’ve compared it here to an Eco-Tools brush of a similar shape and size and RT brush of a similar shape.  All these brushes can also be used to apply cream eyeshadow as they are designed for creamier textures.

Eye Smudger

L-R Mac 212 HD Brows Eye Smudger

Mac 212
HD Brows Eye Smudger



I’ve pictured this alongside MAC 212 because I feel they can both do a similar job.  MAC is a little more precise so is better for tightlining (lift your lashes and fill in the space under your lashes) but both brushes are great for under eye smudging of kohl/shadow and also lining your lids with shadow.  This HD Brows brush is better for creating a smudgy, smoky eye.

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