4 Spiritual Guidelines To Help You Become the Best Leader

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Are you a leader who wants to experience greater emotional intelligence? Do you want to be more resilient and focused in life? If yes, meditation would be the most common and typical answer given to you.

 While meditation does help a person achieve his higher potential, it’s all about small things that you should keep in mind and which will allow you to sustainably function above all the noise and distraction that have always stopped you from going ahead in life. This article discusses four spiritual guidelines to help you become an effective leader and set a noble example for the world. 

Just Be and Observe 

In an era full of distractions, a grown-up adult must know about the art of ‘Now’. It is the closest way to get rid of your trivial concerns and focus on things that hold more prominence. Whenever you feel trapped in your chain of thoughts, allow yourself to just live in the moment, skip the thoughts and leave every judgment behind. Practicing this every single day will empower your conscious mind and enable you to have more control over your mind. 

Honesty and Humility: Two Words to Live By 

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”

~ Philippians 2:3-5 (NIV) 

The great spiritual leaders in history lived by two words: Honesty and Humility. If you want to be a leader who can lead others, these two qualities should be your priority. No amount of pride, talent, skills, or effort will suffice to become a successful leader if you can’t be humble enough to learn from God’s teachings and apply them to your life. 

Since adopting these qualities takes a lot of patience, many people go to church leadership training to learn these qualities from the well-known disciples. Spending a few weeks or months in a training program would help you become a better person and, of course, a better leader. 

Be Hungry 

“The spiritually hungry are always ready to learn more, for their hearts are eager to discover new truths.”

~ Proverbs 18:15 TPT

They say you must be spiritually hungry to learn new things about yourself and the world every new day. The more you dedicate yourself to the process, the more you get clarity in life. This ultimately makes you a good leader as a leader should have clarity in thoughts so that he can show the right path to others. Be it spiritually, in business, or in everyday life. 

Forget the ‘I’; Serve Others 

“They presented these men to the apostles, who prayed and laid their hands on them. So the word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith.”

~ Acts 6:6-7 NIV

Christians believe in eliminating the ‘I’ from their everyday life and serving others with their wisdom and knowledge. When you let go of yourself and your desires from the process, you choose to serve others wholeheartedly and inspire others with your actions.

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