A New You in 2022: 3 tips on Becoming a Happier, Healthier You
As we head into 2022, it’s the perfect time to consider if you have any resolutions you would like to make. It could be aspirations of advancing your career or maybe starting a family. One of the most common resolutions people have is to become healthier and fitter than ever before. If you fall into this category, then keep reading. We’ve put together 3 tips on becoming a happier, healthier you.
On your bike
We all know how good exercise is for us. As well as keeping our cardiovascular system in great shape, it can help to burn calories which can aid with weight loss. Cycling, in particular, provides a fabulous cardio workout, so if you have a bicycle collecting dust in your garage, why not use it! Bike rides with the family are great fun, or, if you prefer, you can always grab your headphones and hit the roads alone.
If you prefer the idea of doing something at home, an exercise bike might be ideal. They come in many different sizes and styles to suit a range of budgets, so you shouldn’t have too much trouble finding something that suits you. In one of the indoor cycling bike reviews we found online, it says the best indoor bikes have adjustable handlebars, seat height, ats position, etc. This helps create the most comfortable exercising experience, so bear that in mind before making your final selection.

You are what you eat
You might be surprised at how much healthier and happier you feel just by altering your diet. Although you can purchase lots of so-called healthy foods off the shelf, it’s a good idea to read the ingredients. Many contain high levels of sugar and other nasties like preservatives, coloring agents, and synthetic flavorings. Instead, opt for fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, legumes, and seeds.
If you usually struggle to sustain healthy eating, try meal planning. It gives you time to focus, and you will be less likely to grab something loaded with unhealthy ingredients.
Treat yourself to a makeover
Although working on your self-esteem and confidence should be a priority, giving yourself a bit of a makeover can make you feel a lot happier. Perhaps you haven’t had a new hairstyle in decades and fancy trying a new look. Maybe your wardrobe requires an upgrade, or you want to experiment with new make-up techniques.
You may need to step out of your comfort zone a little, but the final results could be extremely beneficial. We all want to like what we see when we look in the mirror, so do whatever you need to do to make that happen.
Final word
A happier, healthier you is waiting to make an appearance, so make your resolutions and focus as much as you can on achieving your goals. By the end of next year, you could look and feel like a completely different person.
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