A Taste of London Beer and Brewery Classes – Near You!
Ladies do you like drinking beer? Then why not combine your interest (or curiosity) with an informative class? You may never approach a beer or lager drink or purchase in the same way after that. London’s leading summer school, the City Lit in Holborn, offers ‘A taste of London beer’ classes that are much more than sipping your favourite tipple. While beers aren’t traditionally aimed at women studies* show that up to 24% favour beer over wine*, (think also of the French beer brand advertisement where the bartender cannot swipe the beer head off the tipple fast enough for the lead part, a female. Yes that one!)
Our author recently attended such a class that teaches about beer definitions and constituents. The beer making process, flavouring and fermentations (yes there is more than one stage) are also covered, as is the differences between beer styles. Do you know what a ‘bottle conditioned’ label on a bottle means? Or why some beers are better suited to draft service? How do fermentation practices affect the level of fizz or taste in a beer or ale? You will leave with a comprehensive handout that explains the above and more. Finally comes the tasting of beers ranging from pale wheat beer to dark stout, when you make notes based on your observations after tasting your beer. Our author tasted five beers on this occasion. Classes are lively and interactive and are suitable for beginners.
Learn also about modern craft breweries like the Meantime Brewing Company, London Brewery, and established breweries like Fullers.
City Lit’s next beer tasting course is on Sunday 28th June. At a cost of £27.00 it is pocket friendly.
See here for more information.
* 2014 survey results published in theblot.com online magazine.
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