Local Tyre Expert Shares Top Tips to Care for Tyres
Summer is upon us and you will be travelling far and wide to make the most of your holiday times and the beautiful weather. No one wants to waste a moment of their time, leisure or otherwise, waiting for a tyre repair person to come along and get them back on the road, so these top tyre care tips from a local tyre expert might come in very handy indeed.
Tyre Care Starts at the Beginning
Your tyre care regimen should start the day you purchase your new tyres, which should always be from a reputable tyre supplier so you have the peace of mind of knowing that the product is likely to be reliable – you can order your new tyres in Castleford at Reg Greenwood. Your tyre care system should also include things like driving carefully and always being mindful of your tyres – it can be tempting to think that your new sturdy tyres can take a little punishment, but it all adds up over time and you can really benefit by always treating your tyres with care and driving with caution. You should also visually check your tyres periodically: examining them carefully, inside and out – with a torch if necessary, as you look for signs of damage or excessive wear and tear.
What to Look Out For
When you do your visual check on your car tyres, you should look for signs of damage or distortion since the previous check-up, cracks, missing chunks or other signs of damage in the rubber. You should also check your tread depth – which should be a minimum of 1.6mm (although most mechanics recommend 3mm as a safer limit to aim for), and your tyre pressure which should be within the optimum range recommended by your tyre manufacturer.

Service Checklist
When you take your car in for a service, make sure that wheel balancing and tyre alignment are included in the process. These two steps will make sure that your tyres are properly fitted for maximum comfort and minimal wear and tear, ensuring that no one tyre comes under more pressure than the others.
How Often to Check
How often you should check your tyres depends on how far you drive and the condition of the roads you drive upon. Aim for weekly checks if you drive a lot or on rough roads, fortnightly for average road users and no less than monthly for even light road users.
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