Masks to help your skin through the winter season!
Masks are a great treat for your skin. Your skin is just getting used to the turn of the seasons, now Autumn is turning into Winter and inevitably the colder and harsher conditions will challenge your skin. Depending on your skin type there’s a mask for everyone and we’ve selected a few to review for you – from purifying and clarifying to soothing and hydrating.
PurMinerals Mudd Musk (£25 – 120g)
A fabulous product pure from nature – the mud mask is the classic detoxifier as it draws out impurities from the skin. This particular one from cosmetics brand Pur Minerals also contains a little known ingredient called Paeselite – which was formed 30 million years ago at the base of the Big Horn Mountains in Wyoming and utilized for centuries by Native Americans for medicinal purposes including insect bites and stings so it is a great ingredient for drawing impurities out of skin.
We love the fact this mud mask is in a squeezy tube, it makes for an easier and less messy application!
Available from M&S Beauty
Weleda Iris Hydrating Mask (£11.50 for 30ml)
Everything about gorgeous skincare brand is soothing, from the list of ingredients to the colour used for the products they make. We love this brand and this mask is like slipping a silk pillow over your skin.
We reckon this product would be absolutely ideal for deep winter conditions – when you are being windburnt, rain is falling on you horizontally and it feels like needles or you are lucky enough to have headed off to the slopes for the winter, this mask would be absolutely ideal for the high altitude/extreme cold and sunny conditions. It’s going in our chalet skincare bag!
Pick it up from Boots
Good Things Blemish Control Gel Mask (£4.99 for 100ml)
Another fabulous way to enjoy a mask is in gel format. Generally you don’t scare half as many people but it is also cooling, soothing and slightly astringent. The ingredients in the Good Things mask are aimed at those subject to breakouts.
This is the perfect one for keeping and using once a week to get your blemishes under control as it is crammed with superfruit extracts such as mango and lychee.
The bargain of the bunch, £5 for 100ml is worth picking up if you suffer from breakouts! Also available from Boots
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