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From the Seamore healthy foods range comes palamaria palmata (a dried sea vegetable) also known as I Sea Bacon. Due to its apparent bacon taste, this seaweed can be used by vegans as a non-meat substitute. It is gluten free and non g.m.o. – (genetically modified organism). Seaweed is a sustainable food as it gets nutrients directly from its environment, so it requires no tending or fertiliser, dedicated land or fresh water. In short, it is a 100% natural food.

Eat it
Cooked, fried, or raw, this is a salty tasting addition to the table. Use I Sea Bacon alone or to add texture and colour to salads, sauces or simply mix it into main dishes.

Burgundy in colour, with what looks like tiny white mesh growth on the leaves, I Sea Bacon feels leathery in the mouth and will give you a mammoth chew before becoming soft enough to swallow.

It takes only around 30 seconds to see the colour change to muddy green in the pan (see images). It’s best to use smaller pieces if you want an even colour throughout without burning. The fried version is very brittle and snaps easily between the fingers. We found cooking improved the taste and the brittleness made it easy to swallow. So how does it taste? Like dried, white fish i.e. strong in flavour.

We recommend cooking first, both for taste and chewing ease.

I Sea Bacon contains many nutrients, including iodine, iron, zinc, calcium and potassium, which are boosters for the immune system, which is higher than cheese and pulses. For those on a diet, this product contains less than 1.5% fat (950 calories per 100g). One 75g bag contains 10 tasty servings.

Buy from:
Seamore I Sea Bacon is harvested in France and sold worldwide. Visit Seamore for more products from the range, plus recipes.

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