Older Men Younger Women – ‘Is the Dirty Old Man’ Tag A Myth?

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Older Men Younger Women couples, where typically the man is 10 years plus older, make up 25% of all partnerships. So how do these individuals relate to each other? Do they enjoy the love, support and common goals that close age couples do? Sadly lingering perceptions about ‘dirty old men’ wanting to get it on with spring chicken still pervade today’s society, even though this is likely far from the truth. Or that they want to peacock ‘arm candy’ to their friends to prove they still ‘have it.’ It is also believed younger women’s youth rejuvenates an older man’s that may be nearing, or embroiled in midlife crisis.

Truth is many older men view women of similar age as jaded or difficult to please – not to mention too independent, and so see a younger woman as malleable and ‘baggage-free’. This may be why the inbuilt male urge to ‘provide and protect’ often manifests in spoiling the younger woman (sugar daddy effect). Also, some say believe women who have daddy issues gravitate towards older men who can take care of them the way their fathers should have. The women we spoke to found younger men ‘immature’ or ‘not knowing what they want’, whereas older men were more accomplished, therefore ‘ready to commit’. They also cited his life experience would make him a more solid partner.

Partnership specific problems include the man worrying about his virility and sex appeal as he ages versus his woman’s continued youthful appeal to her male contemporaries. Thankfully modern medications can address age related performance problems. The obvious biological benefit of this partnership is that a younger woman may possess longer remaining childbearing years.

Can a May December relationship last? Celebrities like Michael Douglas / Catherine Zeta Jones and Harrison Ford / Calista Flockhart say so!

OMYW can meet through SpeedDater’s Older Men Younger Women monthly meetup, for men 35-50 and women 23-35 – see www.speeddater.co.uk. SpeedDater are the premier UK dating events organisation, and currently the only company serving this niche market. 

Do  see our September’s Older Women Younger Men article here https://www.simply-woman.com/older-women-younger-men/


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