Editor1SYS | August 18, 2011
Smell Your Way to a Healthier You
Natural therapies are becoming more and more popular because we all understand the importance of looking after our...
Editor1SYS | July 28, 2011
Calorie Free natural plant based sweetener – being introduced to UK
It’s being billed as the best thing since sliced bread and it’s already taken the US by storm....
Editor1SYS | July 22, 2011
Low fat liquorice tops the summer wish list
Floral dresses and stacked wedges might be at the top of this season’s wish list, but this summer...
Editor1SYS | July 12, 2011
Is your bag giving you a bad back? How to downsize
Take the average female bag. In the mid 90’s it weighed on average 3.4kg Now it weighs 1.5kg. This is mainly...
Chantal Cooke | July 4, 2011
Its minus 110 degrees Celsius, I am in a freezer, wearing a bikini
Its -110 degrees, I am in a large freezer with windows, and I’m wearing a bikini. You would be...
Editor1SYS | June 28, 2011
Supplements with star approval
Reese Witherspoon, is a fan of Viviscal Hair Repair fan “When I’m working on a movie, they blow-dry and curl...
Editor1SYS | June 9, 2011
“Making your mind up” to get slim for summer the Jenny Craig way
Learn nutrition, self control and portion control and how to get more motivated in your weight loss goals!...
Editor1SYS | May 15, 2011
The Big Grill Diet Plan
Want to lose weight and get in shape for that beach body this summer? Need to cut down...
Editor1SYS | May 11, 2011
Is the key to health supplementation?
It’s on the periodic table don’t you know? And in most of your multivitamins. It gets largely overlooked by...
Editor1SYS | May 8, 2011
Are flip flops ruining our feet?
Relied upon by millions to see us through the summer months, many people I know have to be...